The Ocean on Top of Our Mountain
Geoscience animation outreach project for children of the Indian subcontinent, celebrating and sharing its unique geological past as common heritage to all residents.
The Ocean on Top of Our Mountain
The characters of the film:
The filmmaking process has started from April 2024. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists funded the major project cost; the writer of this film Professor Nigel Hughes, University of California, Riverside -Earth and Planetary Sciences also personally funded some works for the film.
Clan of Isisauruses
Sanajeh the ancient snake
Duration of the film 20 minutes
This Promotional Video presents a synopsis of The Ocean on Top of Our Mountain, an animated series that will tell the true story of the Indian subcontinent’s dramatic northward, 9000km journey from the southern hemisphere to ultimately crash into Asia and form the Himalaya. The story is narrated to Nushrat, a village girl, by Gutishuti, an inhabitant of the ancient ocean that once bordered northern India, who magically returns to life to share her story. Together Gutishuti and Nushrat witness key events during the epic voyage, meet the subcontinent’s various residents who lived during the journey, and learn about why the subcontinent’s past is the most spectacular of any part of our planet.
As the particular target audience is children in rural communities whose may have experience of finding fossils themselves, the series will be made freely available digitally across the subcontinent. Style and content will be subject to further refinement for scientific accuracy.
The project is a collaboration between the University of California – Riverside and animators associated with Dristikon Arthouse. This promotional video has been sponsored by the Association of Petroleum Geologists – India, the Paleontological Society, the Geological Society of America, IGCP668, the US National Science Foundation, and Fulbright
It was conceived at the Chitrakatha Festival of Student Design held at the National Institute of Design, Vijayawada and organised by Director Sekhar Mukherjee. It is directed by NID-AP animator Trisha Banerjee and her colleague Debraj Sarkar, and involves the work of NID-AP students.
Character Design: Nusrat
Nusrat is a Himalayan village girl. She is curious about life. She found Gutishuti very interesting and went on a journey with her to understand the earth.
This is a ‘work-in-progress’ storyboard for the teaser. The aim is to make the audience very much interested about the fascinating history of the earth, that is probably much more radical and impactful than any fiction.
First storyboard during Chitrakatha'19
Charecter Design & Concept Art
Our Videos
This is a series of 10 x 10 minute animations telling the story of India’s 9000 km journey as a continent and the animals that accompanied it on the journey. To make these freely available over the internet to children all over the subcontinent.
Document of Registration
We are very glad to present to you all , our document of registration issued by
The Writers Guild of America, West, Inc